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from being dominated by tower blocks: Look here and email our ward councillors about: * High rises in the Local Plan * housing and a hotel on the civic centre (old palace) and * 16+ high rises from the draft Master Plan down the Lower High Street * and there's others...
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Category Archives: Explain
Protected Views
In Bromley, the council has policies designed to stop ‘Protected Views’ from being destroyed by developers. In practise, this is not always the case. Two protected views that are on the line with current planning proposals: (1) The East side … Continue reading
Local Plans
Local Plans set out a framework for the future development of an area, addressing needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the economy and infrastructure – as well as being a basis for safeguarding the environment and securing good design. … Continue reading
Neighbourhood Planning
Introduced in 2011 through the Localism Act, Neighbourhood Planning allows local residents and businesses to have their own planning policies in a Neighbourhood Plan that reflects their priorities, delivers tangible local benefits and has real weight in planning decisions. Neighbourhood … Continue reading