Category Archives: Planning

Planning; both about the sites proposed in Bromley and how the system works

Architectural Elements of Heritage Bromley

The 2023 Supplementary Planning Document for Bromley Town states the NPG aim: “well-designed places are based on a sound understanding of the surrounding context, influence their context positively and are responsive to local history, culture and heritage. Creating a positive … Continue reading

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Protected Views

In Bromley, the council has policies designed to stop ‘Protected Views’ from being destroyed by developers. In practise, this is not always the case. Two protected views that are on the line with current planning proposals: (1) The East side … Continue reading

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Comments on the Supplementary Planning Document consultation

This summer the council has run a consultation to decide whether to issue supplementary planning guidance for Bromley and Orpington town centres. The consultation was run by Commonplace and closed 5th October 2020. You can view the comments people made by … Continue reading

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Supplementary Planning Document consultation: ‘The Future of Bromley Town Centre’

This summer the council had a consultation for drawing up a supplementary planning documents for Bromley (and Orpington) town centres.
These guidelines could determine the appearance and height of future developments. Continue reading

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Local Plan Sites 4 & 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

Sites 4 (Homesdale Gas Holders) and 5 (Bickley Stn sidings) are situated just south of the town centre. 6 is Bromley Gym and park in St Pauls Cray. 7 (Orchards Lodge), 8 (Bassetts Campus) and 9 (Bruce Road Depot) are built. Continue reading

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2019 Local Plan Site 3 – Hill Car Park & Adjacent

Redevelopment of the Hill Car park site. entry in the Local Plan: Site Policy: Development for mixed use including retail (150sqm), cultural facilities, car parking for the public and for residential, and 150 residential units. Proposals will be expected to: … Continue reading

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2019 Local Plan Site 2 – Bromley North Station

The Area around Bromley North Station has been on the plans for redevelopment, for at least 10 years. Each new version increases the number of ‘units’ (housing units, in this case flats) that are expected to fit on the site. … Continue reading

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2010 Area Action Plan Site L – 1 Westmoreland Rd & BCC

11-storey hotel approved in 2013; permission lapsed and acquired for Education, 11-storey school dismissed on appeal. Continue reading

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2010 Area Action Plan Site K – Westmoreland Place

Approved in 2012 for complex with hotel, multiplex cinema and 200 flats. Continue reading

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2010 Area Action Plan Site J – Bromley South Station

Facilities upgraded 2012. Plans for underground platforms and 8 high rise blocks above. Continue reading

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