About Us

Bromley Civic Society was formed to provide awareness and protection for the built and green environment of Bromley, in particular for the town centre. The Society was formed in 2007 in place of the Heart of Bromley Residents Association (HOBRA) out of concern for the content of the emerging Town Centre Area Action Plan, to which the Society made detailed response through the various consultation stages as well as at the AAP public hearing in 2010.Neelgeeries houses

We are grateful to the past work of HOBRA, in particular for their successful campaign for the designation of the Town Centre Conservation Area which, as a result, gives protection to over 500 historic buildings.  This protection, however, is subject to constant attack from developers and so there is a need for consistent vigilance, education and dissemination of information.

We have continued to campaign for better protection of the historic built and green environment of the Town Centre and its environs and the wellbeing of its residents (see The-Battle-for-Bromley)

We are founder members of Civic Voice, the UK national body for amenity societies, and The London Forum, both of which inform government policy on planning matters.  We are also members of the Bromley Federation of Residents Associations and regularly contribute to meetings with an exchange of information.

We love Bromley in Kent and we think there is much in Bromley town to celebrate and cherish.

As a local amenity society we seek to:

  • Encourage people to take greater interest in central Bromley.
  • Provide an opportunity for informed discussion and increasing awareness of the principles and objectives of development and conservation within the area.
  • Ensure that officials and members of government at all levels are aware of the importance of Bromley town centre as a historic place and a living place.
  • Promote high standards of planning and design in the area.
  • Secure the preservation or enhancement of those features that contribute to the special character of the area.
  • Press for improvements to the public realm.

We have the following officers who manage the day to day work of the Society:

Chairman—Tony Banfield

Vice Chair—Peter Martin

Treasurer—Davina Misroch

Secretary—Tim Hayward

They are supported by a committee of society members covering matters such as planning, membership and publicity.

Please contact the address below if you have any suggestions regarding content for this site.

The committee meets on the first Thursday of each month. These meetings start at 8pm and are held at the Parish Rooms adjacent to the parish church in Church Road, Bromley BR2 0EG.

For further details please contact our Chairman, Tony Banfield (see below).

4 Responses to About Us

  1. Tara Swift says:

    Hi friends thanks for everything you do.
    Any thoughts about the Orpington regeneration? 19 storey and 21 storey towers? I live in orpington and need to ask important questions. Thank you

  2. Jenny Facer says:

    Good morning,

    I see that in May Bromley Council agreed to the new Shortlands Village Conservation Area.

    Could you kindly tell me when this comes into effect? And whether residents in the Area will be informed in some way?

    Thank you,

    Jenny Facer

    • campaignr says:


      Hi Jenny,
      the CA designation came into force several weeks ago. I’m happy to give any advice about the various planning considerations attached to a CA but you can also contact the Council Conservation Officer, Simon Went (simon.went@bromley.gov.uk), who is currently preparing a supplementary planning guidance document (SPG). Let me know any queries.
      All best
      Tony Banfield Chairman BCS

  3. Louise says:


    I met with Peter Martin during your event in Bromley Glades over the weekend. I would like to send him an email with an attached file about 84 Widmore Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 3BD. He very kindly gave me his email, but I cannot find it!

    Interestingly, Posy Merz at Historic England has been in touch again (yesterday), however, the house in is disrepair and needs urgent funding. We were intending to restore back to original features (e.g. identical Crittal windows) and renovate up to Grade II Listing, however, we have hit a few obstacles. We do though have an architect recommended to us by the RIBA who is familiar with Grade II works and Art Deco.

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