Threat to our Art Deco cinema – public meeting on 11th July

Despite only restoring the building in 2019, it has been announced that the Picturehouse cinema will have it’s final screening by this August. There is a local campaign to save the cinema, which we full-heartedly support.  However, a new use, possibly like a community cinema/venue needs to be found for the building, that will bring in sufficient income to support it.

Unfortunately the building has been included within the boundaries of one of the “Opportunity Sites” in the local plan as site 3, which would involve demolition and develop of the site as high-rise housing.

This was a very constructive and well-attended meeting, the campaign will look at ways to continue to use the building for a cinema, and find uses that will provide enough income to support it.

Our vice-chair, Peter Martin, and our Chair, Tony Banfield, will submit the building to English Heritage for listing, again. They hope to locate and include the detailed photos of the building from when it was restored in 2019. Statutory listing would limit what use the building could be converted to, and provide protection from demolition. The building is also in the conservation area.

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