Bromley Town Centre Park Trail – Stop 7/1 (Bromley Zoo)

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Bromley Zoo mural

Welcome to our heritage and biodiversity trail around the historic parks in Bromley Town Centre.

This post is a work in progress.

Bromley Zoo is a much loved and playful installation of the town.

These borders have the ‘Bromley Zoo’ as their backdrop, artist, year. The zoo is also featured in it’s own post on the Bromley Civic Society web site.

Hope to restore the paintings, especially the missing one.

All the stops in the Bromley Town Centre Parks Heritage & Biodiversity trail can be found on the page about it here.

To continue the Heritage Trail, turn left down the alleyway to Bromley High Street. Turn left and in 50 meters you can turn right down College Slip. At the end of this is the K2 Telephone box.

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