The Mayor visits our new Display Panels at the Open House 2023 Exhibition

The Mayor, and Mayoress of Bromley visited the Civic Society’s new exhibition in the Glades at Open House 2023 this year.

Our chair describes the exhibition’s context: “Most people don’t realise the Town is a treasure trove of Arts and Crafts architecture, also Dutch and French influence, Queen Anne, and Neo Georgian – it’s all there! Then there’s HG Wells, David Bowie and Hanif Kureishi… The question is asked will an Invasion of Tower Blocks put an end to all this character and history?”

The Society also ran two of it’s popular walks, “Victorian Bromley” and “The Bromley of HG Wells in His Own Words”, and Liz – one of our supporters who helped out – described as “the walks and talks, which everyone I spoke to, universally praised.”.

Our exhibition has been updated for 2024 with even more old photos and information about both the built heritage and green heritage of the town.

photo montage entitled "1000 years of History"
1000 years of History in Bromley

The new exhibition contains many fascinating pictures from past centuries, from its origins as a Kentish market town through the Victorian Golden Age to the present time with many buildings in the Arts and Crafts style that can be seen today. There are plans to make them available online.

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