UPDATE! As of today, 7th March 2023, the developers have withdrawn the current application. This is great news. We will keep an eye on the site though.
Help us stop the development of ‘Churchill Quarter’ – or as we call it, ‘how to ruin the heart of an historic Town Centre’.
If this development is approved, it will set off a chain reaction of other tower blocks, starting from the Churchill Theatre to the Railway and beyond, forever ruining our Town Centre.
Read and share our flyer: https://www.bromleycivicsociety.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Churchill-Quarter-BCS-Update-Sept21.pdf
Join us in objecting to this development and fighting to preserve our unique historic town, by:
- attend face-to-face public presentation sessions on Thursday 23rd September 2021 from 2-6pm. and Saturday 25th September 2021 from 10am-2pm in the vacant shop unit at 95 High Street beside H&M and opposite Robert Dyas.
- add comments at the developer’s site: https://churchillquarterbromley.co.uk – please copy your comments to the ward councilors, nicky.dykes@bromley.gov.uk, will.harmer@bromley.gov.uk, michael.rutherford@bromley.gov.uk, and ourselves at: chair@bromleytownparks.org.uk.

The developers have submitted an application that scarcely varies from the 2018 proposals. These attracted overwhelming opposition from the public, Historic England, Councillors and residents groups. The vast and overwhelming scale of the development are unchanged, and thus still be contrary to national and local environmental policies, and harmful to the character and appearance of the conservation area.
One reason the developers are not prepared to reduce their proposals to a reasonable height, is that they are fulfilling the briefing document drawn up by one of our own civil servants in the council planning department.
Harm to the Library Gardens: the gardens will be overshadowed by a cliff face of buildings, robbed of sunlight even the height of summer. Instead of the current calm oasis, it will become an extension of the High Street, lined with shop fronts. A sad demise of the gift to the people of Bromley by Emily Dowling in 1900 – unwisely left in the care of the local authority.
Harm to Queens Mead and the Ravensbourne Valley skyline: this so-called ‘protected view’ conserves the semi-rural vista of the last millennium. Not any longer. The council has a statutory duty to ‘preserve or enhance’ the vista – or not in this case.
The Tower block Chain reaction – There are two other proposals (for 3 high-rises behind Ravensbourne Road) that will be justified if this development is approved. It will also revive the proposals of the Site 10 Masterplan with all the high rises down the High Street to the railway.
Plight of Residents on the CQ site: the residents and owners of the 40 homes in Ethelbert Close have been living under the threat of compulsory purchase by the Council for years but are no nearer knowing what’s going to happen to them.

Make your views known at this stage and again when a planning application is lodged. Comments can be made as follows:
The Webinar visuals and information, will also be available to view and comment on at two face-to-face public presentation sessions on Thursday 23rd September 2021 from 2.00-6.00 p.m. and Saturday 25th September 2021 from 10.00 a.m.-2.00 p.m. in the vacant shop unit at 95 High Street beside H&M and opposite Robert Dyas. It is unclear what Covid precautions will be in place so those who do not wish to or cannot attend, or cannot access the website, are asked to ring Countryside Properties on 020 3929 0523 to obtain a ‘Consultation Pack’.
Bromley Civic Society and The Friends of Bromley Town Parks & Gardens will also publish information on our websites, circulating this to the wider public through social media as well. If you would like to receive further information, such as when the final planning application is lodged, please forward your name and email address to cqcampaign@bromleycivicsociety.org.uk
Ward Councillors:
- Julie Ireland: julie.ireland@bromleylibdems.org.uk
- Graeme Casey: graeme.casey@bromleylibdems.org.uk
- Sam Webber: sam.webber@bromleylibdems.org.uk