In the 2020 consultation on the SPD (supplementary planning document) 86% of responses about building heights rejected more high-rises (defined as over 6 storeys) (see here). New policies in the London Plan enable our council to set limits on the heights of new buildings. This means that Guidence Note 11 is not worded strong enough – for instance, perhaps it could be updated to say that new developments should be no more than 2 or 3 storeys more than the surrounding roads.

Change the SPD to halt… The Invasion of The Tower Blocks
It is important that this section is worded stongly, as there has been speculative proposals for two or more sites every year that attempt to make money by building inappropriately high buildings. Each one of these is taken to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate (wasting tax-payers money to oppose) which could be avoided by wording this document properly.
Amend Guidance Note 10 to say that, except for the Bromley South area, no taller buildings (defined as over 6 storeys) are acceptable. They should not encroach on any Protected Views or dominate all/part of the Conservation Area. |

If the wording is not improved, these proposals will be allowed:
Pingback: Future Buildings in Bromley Town – How High? Where? – The SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) | Bromley Civic Society