The Council is currently consulting on the Bromley Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) which will govern how large and where future buildings will be, in the town centre. It will provide better control of the development (that affects the character and appearance of the town) by providing detailed guidance – in fifteen Guidance Notes and 8 Character Areas/Sub-Areas. The SPD is a dense document and long read (as it needs to be) but there’s 4 areas we would like you to comment on:
- * Churchill Quarter (link)
- * Tall Buildings (Guidance Note 11) (here)
- * Conservation Area and Protection of Heritage Assets (Guidance Note 9)
- * The Need For A Masterplan (link)
- * That the proposals for the Palace Park and Civic Centre will not be watered down, now that the site will be given up
- * That the Urban Open Space designation for the Church House Garden Depot (formerly the walled garden) will not be silently removed without consultation – and exactly what can be built there.
Have your say
Make your comments – not forgetting to cc us at :
* by email to:;
* in writing to: Head of Planning Policy and Strategy, London Borough of Bromley, Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley BR1 3UH; or
* via bromley council’s survey monkey link (see our post here on how you might want to fill this in)
The aims at the start of the document, quoted in paragraph 4.4 (see below), are promising – we would like these principles to be applied consistently across the town.
“well-designed places are based on a sound understanding of the surrounding context, influence their context positively and are responsive to local history, culture and heritage. Creating a positive sense of place helps to foster a sense of belonging and contributes to well-being, inclusion and community cohesion. Well-designed places respond to existing local character and identity and contribute to local distinctiveness.” (we couldn’t of put it better outselves!)
(section 4.4)
“focus on quality of place over quantam of development”
(from SPD Guidance note 10)
We have more details in the following posts: