Make your own views known (refer to Section 7 ‘Bromley West’ paras 7.18 to 7.24 on page 46 of the SPD). Email to: ldf@bromley.gov.uk; by writing, or respond via the Council’s Survey Monkey at: Survey Monkey link. Remember to cc your views to your local Ward Councillors and chair@bromleycivicsociety.org.uk |
The Council is currently consulting on the Bromley Town Centre Supplementary Document (SPD) which provides detailed guidance for new development in Bromley Town Centre. This bulletin focuses on that part of the SPD that refers to the Churchill Quarter

The Churchill Quarter is referred to on page 46 paras 7.18 to 7.24 of the SPD.
Bromley Civic Society (BCS) believe this section is drafted as if to pave the way for the kind of proposals that we saw publicised last summer (see before and after photos). It fails to take into account the impact on Library Gardens and the Conservation Area. Paragraph 7.21, for example, says that ‘…building heights should be proportionate to that of the Churchill Theatre..’ * This suggests you could have an 11 storey block of flats towering over Library Gardens as shown below. (*BCS have queried the basis for this and were told it is an ‘officer judgement’ and that ‘The theatre is considered a relevant reference point for the height of new development’.)

Bromley Civic Society will be likely to respond along the lines of the following: The guidance given for Churchill Quarter in Section 7 on page 46 does not give sufficient weight to the qualities and special interest of Library Gardens or the Conservation Area; Studies should be undertaken to see what the site can accommodate without undue impact or overshadowing on Library Gardens. Impacts on the High Street and on Queen’s Mead open space should be minimised; The building height at the northern end of the Churchill Quarter site should not be proportionate to the Churchill Theatre (para.7.21) but should be much lower to avoid an overbearing impact on Library Gardens and on the Conservation Area; The blocks in the centre of the development nearest the High Street (behind the shops) should be no more than eight storeys in order to minimise impacts on the High Street. |
The images show the devastating impact on the Conservation Area and on Library Gardens in particular, were this guidance to be followed.

Pingback: Future Buildings in Bromley Town – How High? Where? – The SPD (Supplementary Planning Document) | Bromley Civic Society