We are delighted to announce that, last month, Bromley Council agreed to a new conservation area for Shortlands! And to extend the one in Bromley Town Centre.

The new conservation area in Shortlands has been something the Society has been working on for years, and were able to advise on the compilation of the (council-) independent report produced by the Built Environment Advisory and Management Service (BEAMS). As conservation areas attract planning rules that are aimed to prevent harm from unconsidered developments, this designation is expected to prevent the loss of more historic and heritage buildings in the village.
“It is characterised by the modest stature of the housing in contrast to the far grander
detached Victorian housing on the surrounding hillsides. Lacking the views from the hillsides
and being built on a flood plain, it was reserved for the less well-off who would have likely
been in service to the larger households or were conceivably early commuters to London.
Given the important catalyst for development, the railway station is a key element in the
assessment area and is important for its surviving period detail and character”