Simpsons Moat, or Palace, was a moated, crenellated manor house at the bottom of Ringers Road.
Most of the building had been of Tudor age, dominated by a large chimney. Henry VIII was reputed to have visited. It was later converted to a farm house, and the last tenant, Jeraimiah Ringer filled in two sides of the moat. Ringers Road is named after him. There is a page on wiki, though these details are challenged by the notable local historian E.L.Horsburgh.

It was demolished in the 1850s.
The area is haunted ,not just by one ghost, but by two ghosts! Often they’re seen together. One is a white lady, and her companion has old fashioned clothing and a black floppy hat. Join us on our Murder, Ghosts and Highwaymen walk next time it’s held (usually at Halloween, for more details!)