Bromley Zoo Mural was designed and painted by artist Bruce Williams in 2001 to lead shoppers from the Hill Car park via Naval Walk to the High Street – see that the penguins have already escaped and are making their way to the supermarket to get some fish! Look behind the tree trunks and you can see a panda and lion lurking – a variety of animals are presented in cunning trompe l’oeil (trick the eye) scenes.
The mural is best viewed in the winter when the leaves don’t obscure it so badly. When the Park Friends have enough volunteer days they will cut the shrubbery back to reveal the animals.
Unfortunately some it has been lost, when a wall behind the cinema was unstable and replace. It is hoped to replace it, this time on boards that can be removed if the walls change again. The artist has agreed to this, but funding needs to be found.
Naval Walk is so-named because it had a club for ex-Servicemen there.