Market Square Nos 12-13 Ocean Basket – Heritage Building

Ocean Basket when it was Cafe Rouge, built in 1883 for
Herbert Collings

Ocean Basket occupies the first building displaying the transition from a small market town into a Victorian shopping centre. It is built in the Queen Anne style from the Arts and Crafts Movement, whose hallmark was the sunflower motif that can be found on the building.

It was built in 1883 by local draper, Herbert Collings, well known for banishing the old system of credit in favour of the modern concept of cash only sales and introducing the idea of window shopping displays, which were made possible in the design of his new premises.

Before this time it was normal for people to hold an account at the shop and pay every month. Quite often a ‘House’ might send someone with the order, or latterly telephone, and the shopping would be delivered later.

dormer windows with triangular pediments and columns
Dormer windows with arches and triangular pediments on the Herbert Colins building
pen-and-ink drawing of fine 3-storey building with fanciful dormers
1910 drawing Herbert Collins shop building Kellys directory
pediment with stylised sunflower
2022-07-17 10787 detail herbert colins building abstract sunflower in pediment
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