Old Town Hall

Our initial thoughts are that although the leaflet contains precious little detail the proposals look promising. 74,000 sq ft of serviced offices is proposed for the both the 1907 town hall and the 1939 ‘extension’. The hotel of 26 bedrooms replaces the 1970’s extensions that overlook Court Street (see artists impressions). This seems far less obtrusive than the previous hotel proposals that were granted planning permission.
We would wish to see the roof heights of the new build kept lower than the roof ridge of the former Courthouse. We would also like to see certain spaces within the building kept intact and made available for public events; in particular the 1907 Council Chamber and the old Courthouse (the latter is to be made into a bar/café). Other important rooms and features within the building, such as the art deco details inside the Widmore Road entrance, should be retained.
A scheme of 53 residential flats is proposed for the South Street car park. This is likely to be in a 5 storey building – BCS would wish this to reflect the scale and detailing of surrounding buildings in Tweedy Road and to not impact on the listed Town Hall. Bromley Civic Society will be making a formal response to Castleforge when more information is available. In the meantime send your comments toBromleyOldTownHall@kandaconsulting.co.uk
You can see our profile of the building at The Old Town Hall page http://www.bromleycivicsociety.org.uk/2019/01/former-town-hall-extension-heritage-building-profile/
The drawings accompanying the document, from the side roads.