Spread the word! Tell your friends to visit the BCS tent on Saturday 17th June and come on the walks.
We also need volunteers to help staff the tent in two hour slots on the day and to assist in any preparation for the walks. Please contact chair@bromleycivicsociety.org.uk if you are interested in helping out.
The Society plan to celebrate Civic Day by staging an exhibition in the Market Square in Bromley Town Centre. The exhibition will be in a market stall style tent from which four walks will be scheduled throughout the day. Each walk will have a different theme and visitors will be shown different aspects of the town’s heritage.
The aim is to increase awareness of and enthusiasm for heritage amongst visitors, residents, businesses and people who work in the town centre so that heritage issues are given greater prominence in the future. The event will be used as a launch pad for a yearlong programme of walks and talks. We will get as many people as possible to sign up to the Civic Society and we hope to recruit more walk leaders and speakers.
Civic Day is a National Initiative with the theme of celebrating civic pride and getting people to ‘care about where they live’. BCS have registered their participation with Civic Voice (formerly Civic Trust) who are the organising body. The event, supported by Theresa May, will have National media publicity which will be used to publicise our own exhibition.
2017 is also the 50th anniversary of Conservation Areas legislation and our exhibition will use this to focus attention on the Bromley Town Centre Conservation Area. The exhibition will be a celebration of our Town’s heritage that will hopefully encourage a great appreciation of the local environment.